There are many factors which age our skin throughout our lifetime. With thin skin, like that around the eyes, aging may be more noticeable than in other areas of the face. Loose and sagging skin, and exaggerated wrinkles can make us look older than we actually feel. Losing weight, sun exposure, smoking, dry skin and day to day facial expressions all express wear and tear upon the delicate skin around the eyes. Aging itself causes a loss of volume in the fatty tissues in our skin, causing further and deeper wrinkling.

All is not lost – there are many trusted treatments that roll back the years and produce plump, youthful, and less wrinkled eyes. As a cosmetic surgery expert with decades of experience, Dr Melamed will be able to advise on the perfect treatment for you. Surgery is not the only option!

Here are some of the available treatments and how they could take years off your appearance in no time at all.

Fillers & Volumizers

Lasting 12 to 18 months, Juvederm and similar fillers are a popular and long lasting treatment. These collagen-like products mimic the collagen protein – which makes up 35% of the body’s protein. Injected below the skin, these fillers restore volume and fill out wrinkles in a simple 30-minute procedure. The results are instant. The area may feel a little sore, but this discomfort quickly passes and reveals lasting results.


A popular and very well-known treatment, Botox works by relaxing the facial muscles that produce dynamic or very deep wrinkles. Crow’s feet and worry lines appear blurred around 4 days after the treatment. By simply injecting a muscle relaxant into the desired area, the area relaxes yet remains plump and full looking. After the injections, you may have a little redness, but there is no downtime. One of the great bonuses with Botox is, not only is it an effective treatment for current lines, but it prevents new ones from forming. This is because it prevents the face from pulling the expressions which cause deep lines, without making the face inexpressive.

Laser and Radiofrequency DermaSurfacing

This exclusive treatment improves the texture and tone of the skin, as well as reducing wrinkles and lines. A high-energy laser and radiofrequency system is used to vaporize deep wrinkles – as well as reducing age spots and other skin irregularities. Wrinkles around the eyes and lips are known to be particularly treatable.

Due the thin and delicate nature of skin around the eyes, it is not advised to try at home treatments other than anti-wrinkle creams. Poorly administered procedures in the eye area can have devastating consequences. In order to ensure that you are in safe hands, a consultation with a cosmetic professional is always advised.

Dr Melamed will evaluate your individual needs and provide you with a comprehensive recommendation of the best course of treatment for you. Of course, the final choice is down to you. If you’d like to speak with Dr Melamed and discuss our range of highly effective anti-wrinkle procedures, please get in touch today.